Aviation risk firm Wyvern acquired by Venturous Capital


The private aviation safety risk management firm Wyvern has been acquired by private investment firm Venturous Capital for an undisclosed sum.

Sonnie Bates, CEO: Wyvern said: “We are very excited about the recent acquisition of Wyvern by Venturous Capital, a US investment firm who passionately supports our mission to elevate safety and security worldwide. Venturous is committed to provide Wyvern with all the necessary resources to achieve our goals.”

The acquisition will secure the company’s current leadership team and staffing levels and service to customers, according to the company. It will also provide the financial resources required for Wyvern’s strategic growth.

“Venturous fully approves our strategic objectives in private and commercial aviation, in manned and unmanned aircraft systems, and embraces our core values of integrity, innovation, excellence, and positive relationships to achieve our vision that every operator has an effective safety management system,” said Bates.

Founded nearly 30 years ago, Wyvern offers risk management training and consulting programmes, certifications, audit programmes and safety tools. “Wyvern leads the aviation community in implementing programmes that lower costs, improve critical safety, and enhance security measures for organisations around the globe,” claims the company. “Our mission is to elevate safety and security worldwide, which requires that we continually work toward the goal of ensuring that every operator has an effective SMS [safety management system].”