Gross to receive ELFA advocacy award

Edward K. Gross will receive the 2024 David H. Fenig Distinguished Service in Advocacy Award.
The honour goes to people who have made significant contributions to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) promotion of public policy for the equipment finance industry.
Gross, a shareholder at law firm Vedder Price, will be formally recognised at ELFA’s Capitol Connections event on May 22.
“It is an honour, of course, to be recognized for my participation in industry-related advocacy efforts,” said Gross, a member of the firm’s Global Transportation Finance team in Washington, DC.
“But the greater reward has been the privilege to represent the industry, together with the association staff and other ELFA members, by pursuing financing-favourable changes to laws and policies, especially when our efforts achieve their intended purposes.”
Leigh Lytle, president and CEO of the ELFA, said Gross is a “remarkable volunteer” whose many contributions have been “vital” in the organisation’s advocacy efforts.