Q1 2024
Cover Story
- Avfuel’s one-in-three achievement – From a small fuel company serving three US states, Avfuel now fills the tanks of one-in-three US business jets. Craig Sincock, its president, attributes the meteoric rise of his company to carefully listening to customers and colleagues.
- Welcome to transatlantic SAF – Gulfstream president Mark Burns celebrates the first transatlantic flight fueled entirely by Sustainable Aviation Fuel in a G600.
- BBJ Select – The easier way to a BBJ. Boeing’s new BBJ Select jet is the easiest way to acquire this popular business liner. Why not take our virtual tour?
- Jet Data: Featuring three new business jets – The BBJ Select, Cessna Citation CJ3 Gen2 and the HondaJet Echelon.
Up Front
- London’s newest black cab – A capital idea: how Flexjet and Eve deployed a Sikorsky S-76C helicopter on a four-day mission to simulate eVTOL flights over London.
- Satellite love: How buyers choose a connectivity solution – Our research, in partnership with satellite services provider Intelsat, reveals the three top factors that guide buyers’ choice when selecting a system for their business jet.
- ACAM: Taking ‘a rocket ride to the West’ – Darren Broderick has grown his company into the largest corporate jet manager in southeast Asia – and now he is targeting Europe.
- VIP helicopters: ‘Riding the magic carpet’ – Why twin-engine helicopters are winning over more HNWIs tired of long car commutes in congested city traffic. We take the temperature of the VIP helicopter flights on both sides of the Atlantic.
- Tiltwings: Breathing new life into an old design – Here’s how novel tiltwing aircraft are aiming to combine the benefits of both fixed-wing and rotary designs.
- CJI Miami 2023 – Nearly 70% of our 470 delegates were very optimistic about the future of business aviation over the next 12 months.
Every Issue
- Life in seven questions: Iris Riesen – How the smell of kerosene and the excitement of business aviation lured Iris Riesen, accountable manager at the Zurich-based Cat Aviation, back to the industry after a spell away.