A very interesting two days covering a number of topics. Great networking opportunities! Would recommend this course to those who are both experienced and new to the industry.
Martyn Fiddler Aviation
A unique two-day residential course for anyone looking to become an aircraft dealmaker. Using a mixture of expert presentations and interactive case studies the Aircraft Transaction Masterclass covers all aspects involved with buying, selling and financing an aircraft.
Complete the form below to receive event updates about this unique course.
What is included in your delegate pass:
– Exclusive access to the two-day course
– Accommodation at the venue included
– All breakfasts, lunches and dinners
– All refreshments
– Conference documentation for you to take home.
– Delegate list
The two-day Masterclass covers:
Typical steps in an aircraft transaction
- Choose your broker/dealer/transaction adviser- they should easily save you more money than their fee. The same is true for a specialist aviation lawyer.
- Select an aircraft to match your needs/view aircraft
- Make an offer/agree Letter of Intent (long form vs short-form, standard versus bespoke)
- Legal counsel review transaction structure and assess tax issues
- Deposit placed in escrow (negotiate terms of release)
- Buyer’s lawyer/buyer negotiates finance term sheet with financiers
- Buyer’s lawyer conducts due diligence on title, searches for liens etc. Start negotiating the Aircraft Purchase Agreement and who pays what Aircraft Purchase Agreement signed
- Log book review by buyer’s technical team, check back-to-birth records
- Appraisal for finance (if required)
- Test flight/re-location flight – who is paying for this in Aircraft Purchase Agreement
- Pre-purchase inspection
- Finance documents reviewed
- Sale document drafting starts
- Tax advisers determine structure and importation route (if required)
- Decision on aircraft registration, ownership structure (may require specialist counsel)
- Choose operator if needed
- Legal opinions on different jurisdictions requested
- Seller rectifies discrepancies from pre-purchase inspection/negotiates changes or buyers walks away
- Buyer reserves registration number
- Export certificates, certificate of airworthiness
- Final documentation review
- Assignment of Maintenance Plans
- Final closing points agreed
- Insurance arranged
- Liens and discharges
- Money wired to escrow by financier/buyer
- Ferry flight
- Tax ruling opinions issued (depending on jurisdiction)
- Seller de-registers aircraft
- Closing call
- Signing
- Escrow agent receive proof of de-registration
- Agent files bill of sale, registration application
- Liens filed with International registry (Cape Town)
- Registration – in US FAA issues flight wire
- Importation of aircraft (if required)
- Miscellaneous bills settled – satellite communications, maintenance programmes
- Protect asset value – hangar, engine covers etc – ready for when the aircraft is sold