
Corporate Jet Investor has been shortlisted in the 2024 Aerospace Media Awards for two articles published in our publication Corporate Jet Investor Quarterly (CJIQ). Both articles have been shortlisted in The Best Business Aviation category. One feature article profiled the restructuring of Wheels Up, while the second focused on the management style at Dassault Aviation.

Our feature Wheels on Fire, published in CJIQ Q3 2023, probed the long, and at times winding, path taken by the company as it restructured. We talked to the key people in the room, including Kenny Dichter, who played a leading role in planning  the business’s profit-focused future.

The second short-listed feature, ‘We are a company of engineers’, was also published in CJIQ Q3 2023. This article, based on an interview with top Dassault Aviation executive Carlos Brana and colleagues, explores how  engineering skills and disciplines are said to be helping the company thrive in the highly competitive world of business jet manufacturing.

“Most of us are engineers here – we are a company of engineers,” Brana told CJI last year, as the company celebrated 60 years of making Falcon jets.

According to the Aerospace Media Awards organisers: “The Aerospace Media Awards have been created to honour journalists and publishers who have made a significant contribution to aerospace journalism and publishing.”

Launched 11 years ago, this year’s awards  will be presented in London on Sunday, July 21st, 2024.

Meanwhile, you can sign up for your free copy of Corporate Jet Investor Quarterly here. Also, previous editions of CJIQ digital publication, first launched in 2019, are available to read here.